Saturday, August 8, 2009


I'm getting stiffer and sorer every morning, it seems. I can't lift and carry things like I used to and I want to get some strength and flexibility back, not to mention get rid of 25 pounds of blubber! Today Chuck and I walked for 1-1/2 hours; not at a blistering pace, but at a moderate pace. He's getting up there, too, and can't go as fast or as far as he used to. I checked on the FitTV site to write down some programs to record so I can start doing some workouts. I think that's key at this point, is to get moving and get strengthening. Trying to cut down on sweets and carbs is important, too, but I don't believe I really overeat (except if there's a cake or pie - then I can't seem to stay away). This a.m. I had a bowl of nuggets cereal with 3-4 strawberries on top with milk and a slice of zucchini bread. I'm about to get some lunch and I'll make a nice salad. I think I'll cook up some eggs to have and make a macaroni salad. I'm going to cook up some chicken breasts and slice those up for a chicken salad, too. I have a recipe for baked zucchini chips -- I'll try making that and see how they come out. Gonna make up a big pan of cabbage rolls for supper tonight and probably freeze some of them. I'm going to cook up a big pan of brown rice and put it in the fridge so I can have it for lunches with steamed veggies. I have beets and broccoli from the garden, and plenty of zucchini, carrots and lettuce greens. Tomatoes are beginning to ripen, too.

to begin

I'm going to use this place to journal, to ponder, and to record thoughts, whatever comes to mind. Right now I'm thinking about using this as a place to keep tabs on working on losing 25 pounds. I'm almost up to 160 and I just can't deal with being that heavy. I also want to try to get into the art room and start doing SOMETHING. I need some kind of inspiration - maybe I'll wind up like Shelly suggested and just set up a sheet of paper, lay out my pastels and pencils, and whenever the mood strikes go in and put something on there. Even glue found objects; write a word; whatever happens to come to mind, and see what I wind up with. Who knows? Maybe a random scribble will turn the lightbulb on and I can go from there. I have to kick start the creativity. It's been dormant too long. I was feeling kind of down yesterday - kind of self-... if not loathing, then dislike. I think it's more hormones than anything else, but maybe time to start examining that a little more. I've often thought about taking a drive to Oberon Jr. High and just walking around there again, seeing if I can spur some memories and work through some of that. It was such a bad period and I don't remember much of it. I feel like it's time to start working on some of that.
So, I guess that's it for now. I'll try to get back here regularly. I can type here a lot more easily than I can write in a book.